Asset Metadata

Getty Images Asset Metadata

The following are descriptions of the various image metadata fields provided by the Getty Images API. For the latest fields, and to see what they return, use our interactive documentation in Swagger.

Metadata field name Images endpoint Image search endpoint Videos endpoint Video search endpoint Description
allowed_use Container for info on release/use status. Most customers do not need to use this info.
artist Name of the photographer/illustrator.
artist_title Not used at this time.
aspect_ratio Indicates the aspect ratio of the video.
asset_family Indicates if the asset is Editorial or Creative.
call_for_image Indicates if the high res file for the asset can only be obtained by calling your sales rep. This restriction is rare and typically only appears with Editorial assets.
caption Provides the full caption for the asset. Not all assets will have captions.
city Name of the city, if known, in which the asset was created. Typically only relevant for editorial assets.
clip_length Indicates the length, or duration, of the video.
collection_code 2- or 3-letter code for the collection in which the asset resides.
collection_id 2- or 3-number code for the collection in which the asset resides.
collection_name Name of the collection in which the asset resides.
color_type Indicates whether the image is color or black and white. Possible values are color, black_and_white, and null.
comp Provides the URL for the comp-sized file. These are 612 px on the longest side.
copyright Copyright line for the asset.
country Name of the country, if known, in which the asset was created. Typically only relevant for editorial assets.
date_camera_shot Date from the camera used to take the photo.
date_created Date the asset was shot/created. Relevant for Editorial images, not always relevant for Creative images. This value is provided by the contributor at the time of asset submission.
date_submitted The date the image was submitted by the contributor to the Getty Images catalog.
detail_set A quick way to retrieve the following fields without having to request them individually: id, allowed_use, artist, asset_family, call_for_image, caption, collection_code, collection_id, collection_name, copyright, date_created, display_sizes, editorial_segments, event_ids, graphical_style, license_model, max_dimensions, orientation, product_type, quality_rank, referral_destinations, and title.
display_set A quick way to retrieve the following fields (URLs) without having to request them individually: comp, preview, and thumb.
download_product The name of the authenticated user’s product (subscription) under which the image falls: premiumaccess, editorialsubscription, easyaccess, ultrapck.
download_sizes List of files available for download from the authenticated user’s product.
editorial_segments Indicates if the editorial asset is news, sport, entertainment, archive, royalty or publicity. Not provided for creative images.
era Seldom used and only for Editorial videos. Describes the video as contemporary or archival.
event_ids Provides the IDs for the editorial events to which the asset is associated. These IDs can also be used as query parameters to retrieve all images associated with the event. Not provided for creative assets.
graphical_style Indicates of the image is a photograph or illustration.
high_res_comp Provides the URL for the high res comp file. This restricted field is only available to a small number of applications.
id ID number for the asset. This is a unique value.
is_ai_editable Indicates whether an asset can be edited with Getty Images Generative AI.
istock_collection For images from the iStock catalog, provides the name of the collection the image falls under: essentials, signature.
key_frames Provides the URLs for six small images retrieved from specific frames of the video.
keywords Provides all keywords for the asset, including keyword text, keyword ID, keyword type and relevance (relevance is not used for creative images).
largest_downloads Provides the URI to download the largest file availlabe for the given asset. This URI is used in download endpoint.
license_model Indicates whether the asset is royalty-free or rights-managed.
mastered_to Describes the spec for the transcode of the video.
max_dimensions Pixel dimensions of the largest file available for the asset.
mid_res_comp Provides the URL for the mid res comp file. This restricted field is only available to a small number of applications.
object_name Provides the name of the original file submitted by the photographer. May not be availabe for every asset.
orientation Indicates if the asset is vertical, horizontal, square or panoramic.
originally_shot_on If available, describes the specs of the original video.
people Indicates who is present in the photo. This value is only provided for some editorial images and may not provide the names of all persons in the image.
preview Provides the URL for the preview file. Typically around 590 px on the longest side.
product_types Indicates which product, if any, the asset falls according to the terms of your license agreement.
quality_rank Indicates a value of 0-3 for the quality of the asset. For Editorial assets, rank 0 and 1 means the image is highly representative of the event it’s from. Rank 2 images are representative by not as highly relevant as rank 1. Rank 3 are images are background, filler shots.
referral_destinations Provides the URL for the asset website(s) on which the asset can be found.
shot_speed Indicates the speed of the video, such as real time and time lapse.
state_province Indicates the state or province, if known, in which the asset was created. Typically only relevant for editorial assets.
summary_set A quick way to retrieve the following fields without having to request them individually: id, asset_family, caption, collection_code, collection_id, collection_name, display_sizes, license_model, max_dimensions, and title.
thumb Provides the URL for the thumbnail file, 170 px on the longest side.
title Provides the title of the asset.
uri_oembed Provides the oEmbed URI for the asset.